Nevada Houses of Prayer
Praying over our Cities, State and Nation 24/7
A fire shall always be burning on the altar; it shall never go out. Lev 6:13​
Our Vision
* To be a 24/7 House of Prayer in the spirit of the Tabernacle of David, as part of the world-wide prayer movement to prepare the church for the return of the Bridegroom, Jesus.
* To engage in prophetic worship and prayer in the context of Rev. 5:8 where the harp (worship) and bowl (prayers of the saints) are combined, resulting in an open heaven that connects us with God's heart and enables us to declare and decree what God wants to do.
*To create a pure atmosphere through anointed worship where Jesus is high and exalted and the presence of God can come and dwell and move in the midst of His people.
*We believe Houses of Prayer will change the atmosphere and there will be an outpouring of His Spirit and His Love which will usher in a spiritual awakening with salvations, healings and deliverances.
*To partner with local churches and ministries for community Worship and Prayer gatherings.
* To connect with and support other Houses of Prayer

Your donation to Nevada House of Prayer Henderson will be used to keep the fire burning 24/7 of worship and prayer.
We are a Nevada non-profit corporation under the name "New Life Covenant" Please click the DONATE button below to make a secure donation through PayPal
You can now donate by Zelle using: info@nevadahousesofprayer.org
You can now donate by Zelle using: info@nevadahousesofprayer.org
© 2021-2024 Nevada Houses Of Prayer